To empower qualifying students to achieve their goals through affordable housing and support services.
The Story of Wesley House
Supporting College Basic Needs
Wesley House Student Residence, Inc. (WHSR) is a public, nonprofit organization that represents the culmination of over 80 years of San Diego State University service and outreach. Wesley Foundation Ministries, Inc., the founding organization was established in 1934 as the first campus ministry. In the mid-2000s, They formed another non-profit organization – The Wesley House Student Residence, Inc. for the purpose of the development and management of affordable student housing.
No longer associated with any religious organization, Wesley House Student Residence, Inc. has assumed responsibility for Wesley House, formerly known as Aztec Apartments, a two-story building adjacent to the SDSU campus. WHSR is an innovative example of how an institution can assist college students, particularly low-income and first-generation students to succeed in higher education. Studies show that the dropout rate for these students can be drastic. With assistance and mentoring, they can graduate to have richer, more productive lives. We’ve been providing affordable housing as well as wraparound student supportive services since 2005.
WHSR’s historical namesake, John Wesley, believed the following as a rule to live by: “Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” This is a rule that WHSR believes is important still today.
Leading the work to end student poverty in San Diego.
Wesley House enjoys an outstanding level of commitment from our volunteer Board of Directors. Board members provide overall governance of Wesley House, collaborate through task forces and committees, and organize special events and fundraisers. Together they contribute invaluable expertise and insight to further the mission of Wesley House Student Residence Inc.
Board Members
Staff Members
SDSU School of Social Work Interns:
Elizabeth Ortega
Katelyn Medley